Wednesday, April 23, 2014

HarjoshRian, Tugas Matakuliah PEH dan Daerah Aliran Sungai "PENGELOLAAN PERMASALAHAN DAS BRANTAS DI JAWA TIMUR"

Tugas Matakuliah PEH dan Daerah Aliran Sungai                                                Medan , April 2014


Dosen Pengajar:
Jamilah S.P, M. P

Disusun Oleh:

San France Manik                        111201125
Haryono J. Siburian                     111201144

HarJoshRian, cerita pendek: "Sayang, jangan tinggalkan aku ya (3)"

baca juga cerita sebelumnya DISINI

Buarrrrrrrrrrrr. Suara benturan keras terdengar, salah satu pengendara sepeda motor menabrak lobang dan jatuh berguling-guling. Mike sangat terkejut melihat itu, yang paling mengejutkannya lagi, helm nya melayang dan mengenai Sashy, dan kepalanya mengalami pendarahan yang cukup serius. Melihat darah yang bercucuran, Mike tidak tinggal diam, dia segera membawa Sashy menuju ke rumah sakit, dengan menaiki becak mereka berusaha secepatnya untuk menyelamatkan Sashy.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

HarjoshRian, Bagaimana supaya pekerjaan lancar????

Harjoshrian, “Talenta tidak cukup untuk sukses, tetap asah dengan KERJA KERAS” Sukses itu merupakan 1% dari talenta dan 99% keringat.

HarjoshRian, Hari gini Masih Mencontek? Berubahlah………

Thursday, April 17, 2014

HarJoshRian, cerita pendek: "Sayang, jangan tinggalkan aku ya (2)"

baca juga cerita sebelumnya DISINI

Jarak memang sangat berpengaruh, dia gak tau apa yang ada dalam pikirannya. Melihat seorang gadis yang bisa dibilang temannya dalam bahaya, spontan dia berlari untuk menolongnya. Tapi apa daya bagi jarak sejauh itu, Sashy sudah dibawa orang yang memakai topeng tadi. Bukan Mike namanya kalau dia tidak berusaha menolong teman apalagi wanita (sifat yang membuat orang suka padanya), dia mencari di sekitar sekolah, dan yah dia menemukan tempat sashy. Dia sudah diikat dan matanya ditutup. Alangkah terkejutnya dia, ternyata teman-temannya yang mengikatnya(yang bilang mau bimbingan tadi).
“segitu dendamnya kah mereka pada gadis itu, karena banyak lelaki yang menyukai dia daripada mereka”umpat Mike dalam hatinya.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

HarjoshRian, short story: " Honey, Don't leave me (1)"


The love story of high school is the most beautiful love story for young insane . Many young people are trying to get and feel the love when in high school , wanted to know how it feels when they love in high school . But it is different with one person , let's call him Mike .Mike is a popular guy in school , a lot of women who love him , but until now he did not envisage any among women . In his plan , he's only going to be one of the girls to get married , and it was at the time he went to college later . So , it makes sense that he rejects many who fell in love with it peremuan him 
Mike actually has an average physique , not too smart , but he could be in any field though not proficient , and it probably makes a lot of women fall in love with him . Besides, she was friendly , she was also neat and Soan to women . Is the type of girl really , not less not more . Due to the many who had rejected him in high school during the course , of which there are also cursed that he would fall in love with a woman when he was high school . But Mike thinks it's just as wind alone . " Nonsense . I do not already have a position , if I'm not happy it's okay " , he told himself .
 the second half began , who would have thought would pengehabisan semester grade 3 like this , there is a transfer student that goes to school Mike . " Fool basis , would 've finished the new move " Mike muttered . No one knows who it is , and he went into a different class with Mike . But it did not take long , it's a class where new students , crowded premises once the school boys . Mike will see it makes me wonder , is he the right man too , he also wanted to know what they see . 
The first view beginning I met , as if only , Slank songs suddenly remembered by Mike . Why not , it turns out that a transfer student really sweet woman , and seemed friendly . No wonder people are mainly men in droves to see it . Sashy that name.There are so many who want to acquaintance with Sashy , and there is also a direct nyatain love him , who had just met . Basic useless man says Mike . But with all of that , all were rejected . Since the Mike already promised not going out during high school , he thought better to get acquainted with the sweet woman . 
2 weeks have passed , and any return buzzer sounded. because the number of teachers assigned work earlier , makes Mike 's most recent home , as well as Sashy and her friends . " Fuck , I just remembered , we 've got to learn this guidance , let's go home " said friend Sashy ." You all the guidance you? Awful yes " Sashy said wearily ." Yes it Sas , did we already go to college . You do not emananya guidance yes Sas ? "Said another friend ."No , and I also want to work plans once finished high school , only the one that can lecture " Sashy said confidently ."Wow , you're so great , not that smart wrote guidance , especially if guidance . Yaudah , we first Sashy is yes , already want to be late ya " as they ran toward already waiting for public transportation ." Ok deh " Sashy reply . 
Sashy was so sat at the school gate . SHe feels his friends are very lucky to be like that , do not like her . When Sashy daydreaming , Mike came out of the class . " Huh , finally finished , whoa already what time it is , hit home angry lah ni " Mike muttered to himself . From a distance he saw at the school gate is still there it turns out that this has not come home from school . When he was clear , it turns out he saw was Sashy . And most surprisingly, there are people behind Sashy by wearing a mask . " Who 's that? " Said mike in his heart . He was only realized aka tone something bad happened , he ran as fast as he could .
 ( To be continued )
see another story ==> karena Aku sayang kamu

See ya,,, HarjoshRian

HarJoshRian, cerita pendek: "Sayang, jangan tinggalkan aku ya (1)"

Sayang, jangan tinggalkan aku ya……