Monday, March 24, 2014

HarJoshRian, Fieldtrip to Pulau Sembilan

Mangrove ecosystem is one of the subjects at university forestry courses in North Sumatra . There is much to be discussed here , especially the problem of mangrove forest destruction in Indonesia . On that basis , many of which must be practiced real fieldtrip was held to make students understand the purpose of the mangrove forest itself. Fieldtrip was planned to Nine islands .

Lecturer in collaboration with classroom comting finally decided departure schedule is on Saturday , March 15, 2014 . All preparations have been made with the maximum cost . Indeed, before leaving and just still in planning , many grumble over this activity . But since this is one of the compulsory subjects and followed , with students forced to do otherwise careful with the preparations .
Already the norm for humans , which is planned to set off schedule does not fit , slightly delayed from the time the deal . After a lot of talk from the front , eventually fieldtrip participants departed for the location of the island of Nine .
We can only try to enjoy the journey to the island of Nine , and we realized , why so much time on this trip , not the usual way to the dock to cross from the milk base . And when we pulled up and down , we were so confused because there are no boats , and the sea water is still receding . The severity of which is not normally dock . We ask the committee , and they say so much closer and cheaper costs . We could just shut up and wait it out
Waiting is something that is very tiring for me , quote gan song . Lots of mosquitoes katika we waiting ship . Because 're tired , we were trying to fill with activities for stand up comedy , jogged style clubbing , and watching movies . Finally, the ships came , we were off despite doubts because the wind was very strong and dangerous night , lightning too jarring . We just pray and all was going well .
As we arrived at the island of Nine , it turns out we 've been awaited with island -style dinner tersebuat . We also ate greedily , because the conditions we have been very hungry and also watch shows at half eleven at night . After a satisfying meal , we also took the position to rest tonight that has been provided at the office .
Turns bored too . Indeed, the evening activities are not drafted free aliases . We also create event - burnt fuel that burns corn . Others are looking for fishing bait . When fishing , very boring , because there are no signs of the approaching fish . We also decided to sleep .
No sleep time is limited , just waking up alone . When we woke up , and clean up in preparation for planting in the mangrove forest . Gear ready , we were eating as we first arrived . Also finally satiated after eating .
We also berabgkat seedlings to the planting site with about 1000 seeds . Really exciting actually on board when the morning as it was , terassa cool to do something . Arriving at the site of implantation , all screaming because he saw some sea snakes . We were so apprehensive to go down , because they have to pass through the sea water as well , when we see a snake looking for food . With full determination , all jumped with snakes do not care anymore . Stay a few people who put out the seeds from the ship .
After all the seeds out , we also planted in the designated planting sites . It is easy to plant , more difficult in tropical forests than in the mangrove forest . But do not know, whether or not to grow out . After all grown , we hurried home , because the condition is also more rain in the area .
Do not know what was wrong , so very little we ship passengers , which led to our ship swerved to the left and to the right that makes us katakutan . In contrast to what has ships , she relaxed course with such a shaky ship . We went to the location of the baths , it is not good , but we immediately jump off the ship . As a result , because it does not know what is in the water , many feet are injured , some even worse . It is a pity , as it was the location of origin can not jump .
We also return to the starting location , clean up to get ready for lunch , and go home . After parting words , we went home from nine islands by boat , to the milk base . From there we headed off to the bus that we used before .
It was our fieldtrip activities to the island nine . Money 170 thousand just for sleep , and the wounded leg . Hahaha .
Greetings HarJoshRian .

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